Friday, February 03, 2006

Blog problems

Recently I have had blog problems. So I screamed and shouted. And once my rational side took over I screamed and shouted in a more logical manner. Finally I got a book read it and worked out the problem. My learning days have yet to cease and one of the more delightful things, as one gets older is it never ends. In fact I have come to realise I actually know less now than I did when I left college. So have I forgotten stuff? No I have just realised that when you leave college ETC you think you know everything but as the years pass you realise you know absolutely nothing.

Now some would find that depressing.
But not me. Realising this actually made me feel better, I no longer get frustrated when something does not work. Instead I just have to acknowledge that I am pig ignorant and must read about it and speak to others who know.
This has reduced my stress levels immensely.
Now some people think that this makes me weak and May mock or deride me. But I have come to realise these people are stupid, unlike me who is ignorant.

So in many ways accepting you knows nothing is the first step to knowing something.

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