I am going for a job interview in the next week or so. They are in my opinion a necessary evil. But here I go again. I must of course clean my suit, polish my shoes, get a hair cut and prepare for the interview by investigating the company so I know all about them. This is the tame stuff as the real work begins the moment they speak and I must answer, and thus begins my dilemma as I find people in interviews to be odd, as I have to get on with people who as Holden Caulfield would put it are phonies. This is because telling people the truth can be the worst thing to do. I must gen up on all the yuck speak and must make it sound professional. Blah blah blah.
I remind my self that I must not lie, unless telling the truth would cost me the job. But thankfully I am a good liar.
Of course when I mean lie I do not mean to make false facts up etc. I mean to lie as to make big incidences which would mean never working for them seem at best minor hiccups, whilst at the same time making coffee runs seem the most important function within my division. I most be proactive i.e. I do stuff and be on the cutting edge. I must be a team player but be capable of working alone. Everything must always be good as I have learnt that I must make even Armageddon seem like a minor thing that will pass quickly.
Ho hum
Hope your interviews went well! Nice reference to "Catcher in the Rye." Here's an insightful question, what makes a person real as opposed to phonie? I've asked myself this and have come up with nothing. Most people are like most other people. You can always trace the same characteristics from one person to next. So what makes one person unique.
They did thanks.
You are right. What does make a person phonie?
All i can say is when i see it i know it.
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