Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Recently I have discovered that cartoons are not just funny. They can also cause your death.
A bit like cigarettes, a flush of momentary pleasure followed by death.
Yes it’s the old problem of the Mohammed cartoons. Those naughty Danes. The Muslims have really cooked their bacon, which is odd when you think about it.
I of course know and understand that all religions are basically bollocks. But I should point out that is religions NOT god. God has been ok by me. And his message of peace and be nice to one another is on the whole a good idea. The prophet Mohammed is also ok by me because again he say’s be nice to one another just like god does.
So why do these people insist on being violent? Yes you can get angry, be annoyed but killing people is not what any faith wants or condones. It would appear you only listen to your rage not your faith. If you believe then what should you care?
You are being nice to people and god likes that and will reward you.
Of course you can also sue.

However lets put this into perspective all around the world certain people have taken these cartoons as a flash point between east and west. However these cartoons where also published in an Egyptian paper in October last year.
Was there a great outpouring of fatwa’s and flag burnings?
No. Not one in fact nothing happened

We are all insane (A minority of one)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What makes a good blog?

I read a lot of bogs and I have been trying to find out what makes a good blog.
Is it facts? Well some blogs are not factual except maybe in the bloggers head.
Is it humour well some are very funny and do not seem to attract much attention, while others which people think are humorous are to me quite dull.
The reason I am thinking about it is because I get very few comments. Perhaps I am dull or just plain crap, maybe what I write about holds no interest or does not ring true not that seems to bother many other blogs.
Maybe I do not write enough, but some blogs do not post for ages and still get comments.

Now what bought this on? Why am I thinking about this?
Now in my life I have never pursued cool. Now that does not mean? I do not dress poorly or have body issues.
It just seemed the more Cool somebody was the less interesting they became, as they spent too much time being cool and usually lost the plot.

But perhaps I am trying now to pursue cool. A strange concept indeed a kind of geek chic as lets face it cool people in the world do not do blogs (if I am wrong do say!) they are too busy being "Cool".

Maybe I write this blog to be noticed, and have people say- you know charley you are right, maybe that is why I do not get many comments, everyone who reads my blog agrees completely with my point of view.

If this is so maybe my thoughts are not pure and I blog for my needy and self centred ego. I just want to be noticed excepted and loved. (A bit like the vogon captain in hitchhikers guide but do not fret i will not spout poetry)

So is a good blog about pleasing others and I should write things that other people find funny, if so why blog at all it is supposed to be your voice funny or not.
But as George Orwell said “madness is a minority of one”

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Job interviews

I am going for a job interview in the next week or so. They are in my opinion a necessary evil. But here I go again. I must of course clean my suit, polish my shoes, get a hair cut and prepare for the interview by investigating the company so I know all about them. This is the tame stuff as the real work begins the moment they speak and I must answer, and thus begins my dilemma as I find people in interviews to be odd, as I have to get on with people who as Holden Caulfield would put it are phonies. This is because telling people the truth can be the worst thing to do. I must gen up on all the yuck speak and must make it sound professional. Blah blah blah.
I remind my self that I must not lie, unless telling the truth would cost me the job. But thankfully I am a good liar.
Of course when I mean lie I do not mean to make false facts up etc. I mean to lie as to make big incidences which would mean never working for them seem at best minor hiccups, whilst at the same time making coffee runs seem the most important function within my division. I most be proactive i.e. I do stuff and be on the cutting edge. I must be a team player but be capable of working alone. Everything must always be good as I have learnt that I must make even Armageddon seem like a minor thing that will pass quickly.

Ho hum

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

what to blog

I have been trying to think about what I should blog. Recently however the cup has not exactly run over with insight. I have no wisdom to impart no knowledge to give. No insightfull point of view to make us all stop and say "thats so inspiring i wish I had thought of that"

On the other hand in my dreams I am being followed.

My paranoia is just fine.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Blog problems

Recently I have had blog problems. So I screamed and shouted. And once my rational side took over I screamed and shouted in a more logical manner. Finally I got a book read it and worked out the problem. My learning days have yet to cease and one of the more delightful things, as one gets older is it never ends. In fact I have come to realise I actually know less now than I did when I left college. So have I forgotten stuff? No I have just realised that when you leave college ETC you think you know everything but as the years pass you realise you know absolutely nothing.

Now some would find that depressing.
But not me. Realising this actually made me feel better, I no longer get frustrated when something does not work. Instead I just have to acknowledge that I am pig ignorant and must read about it and speak to others who know.
This has reduced my stress levels immensely.
Now some people think that this makes me weak and May mock or deride me. But I have come to realise these people are stupid, unlike me who is ignorant.

So in many ways accepting you knows nothing is the first step to knowing something.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Iranian problems and american problems

So President Bush says America must reduce its oil dependency. This of course is going to be as easy as the heroin users in America going cold turkey. In fact its going to be harder, after all in the 70's oil crisis they said the same thing and look at us now, still consuming and in fact using more oil. So in the end this talk has a lot to live up to and with thirty years of saying this and not doing it I am doubtful.

Iran does seem to have a death wish at the moment. Now it cannot in my opinion do anything to us at the moment. But for the leadership of the west this is irrelevant, strike first is the order of the day and how can I blame them?
Of course after President bush's desire to control their dependency on oil perhaps Iran is thinking the same thing?
Who knows?