Monday, June 19, 2006

Neo cons

There is a new terror in our future. It is not Osama, Hamas, falling rocks or sick birds and even neo Nazis cower in terror at this threat.
The neo con.
What is a neo con? I have never understood this neo con business. We call neo Nazis that because all the old Nazis were destroyed and the continuity was broken hence the neo or new Nazis.
But why neo con? What is new about them? How are they different? Were the old conservatives destroyed?

No by all accounts Neo cons are democrats who are new to conservative thinking.

I find this odd as m. Moore of shooting columbine said democrats DOA

And how about the labour party they are also DOA more conservative than the Conservatives (with a small c though)

So how does this all work out? What do the neo cons believe in?
Indeed pinning them down proves difficult what are they about?
I have noticed a change in politics it is not the policies or the party names. It is in the kind of people who are now at the top of the political heap. I have noticed they are all largely the same they come from well off middle-class backgrounds, went to good (often private) schools and had a university education (paid by the state in Britain something they denied future generations except there own who they can afford to pay for) all held well paying jobs.
As many have put it they are career politicians.

So what do they believe in?

To put it bluntly nothing they have no creed at all..

And the neo cons are everywhere now have you noticed the split between party leaderships and the party members?

This is something I am going to be coming back to I need to think about it some more.

Monday, June 05, 2006


I watched with much interest a TV program on surveillance in the workplace. Of particular interest was call centre monitoring now having worked in a call centre and used them I have a good perspective on their woes and there are many.
Have you ever wondered why they seem like machines and not people? That’s because with those monitoring systems in place they are not allowed to be anything else everything is checked CONSTANTLY and the people in charge do not use it to make things better but just to make your life worse why? Because they can. Ultimately what makes these places dehumanize people are not the machines who are neutral but the people operating them. I never saw a boss or team leader scrutinised so much.
And this disease is spreading why? Technology allows people to check everything.
Now it seems fair enough to check people's work but what happens is they crank it up beyond what people can deal with.
What happened if at the end of your day you got a report on everything that you did, how you drove washed cooked cleaned made love etc and then got a report on it? Now how many mistakes do you think you made? Allot I should imagine. And everyday you must do better. Now how long would you last under that kind of scrutiny?
The problem is people are not machines they cannot be perfect all of the time. Yet we demand these things more and more.
Of course the people at the top say we have to remain competitive.

But that’s a bit rich from people who even if they fail still get million dollar bonuses