Sunday, May 28, 2006

What to write

have not written in a while no doubt the mainly good weather has ruined my cynical outlook on life. But do not worry im told bad weather may be coming so I will become NICE again.
I was thinking with global walming weather may get warmer where I am so I may be good natured for the rest of my life.

They Have cancelled Invasion its a conspiracy i tell you.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Virtual lives virtual dictators

I play a game called world of war craft, which is an online RPG. In it I use a character to move about and kill monsters.
Now recently I have hit the maximum level of 60 and with this I can go into the molten core a place of bigger monsters and more treasure.
Now to do this you must first be in a clan and second you must be invited. Now at first things were jovial enough and things were fairly ad-hoc turn up. Go in. Kill the monsters but recently this has changed. It has gotten organised. Now you might think that it is a good thing to be organised, and it is- you get more done. But when you get a bunch of people together you get a problem called politics. And already I can begin to see the real world problem seep into this virtual one.
Lines are being drawn. The unpopular being banished. And those at the top creaming the good stuff under the umbrella, we need it not for ourselves you understand but to help you we must have it.
Greed has set in. And everything in this game is just not real.
Value is not only relative but also based upon desire.
Someone said. See a man work for a year and you will know nothing. See him at play for an hour and see the real man.

Monday, May 08, 2006

In labour

Well the last bits shine have finally dulled on the labor machine. Of course some would say that happened a long time ago.
But now they are a morass of infighting powermongering and incompetence .They are just like the conservatives all they want is power. The great malaise that is now in all politics has reduced everything down to mush. If this was a person they would be schitzo and suffering from dementia and a lillte sociopathy.
Yet again it shows the widening gap between the leadership of parties and thier members.

The war runmbles on starting it was a bad idea but i thought now we are in we must stay the course after all we did do this to help the Iraqi people did we not? But now it seems we have done nothing for them at all even basic supplies are not getting through. Now in the second world war we occupied germany for ten years but even after two basic supplies and rebuilding had begun in some fashion .The 22bn dollars they had was not it seems spent wisely and in fact they seemed to do their best to make sure it only went into american hands.

So it would seem we are not helping them at all perhaps we should leave and if they should choose a government we dont like ? we can bomb the crap out of them.