Saturday, January 21, 2006

Storming and norming

So i have had my blog now for a couple of months now not much has been written recently, not due to illness or work but because i cannot be bothered. At the beginning when something is new it consumes you for a while. You apply thought to it and think its great. but as time goes on the novelty wears off and you can become bored of it, hence the norming process you stop doing it and then come back to it at a pace you find more to your liking.
I am enjoying blogging so far, but it is like anything in life, you get out what you put in and i have to decide like all bloggers how much i want to put in.
I have found in blogging just how many different kinds of people there are. and it really does open your eyes to people and their ideas. People who you would think as right wing turn out to have left wing ideas and vica versa. This is a relief from the normal media channels where everything becomes polarised -usually to a so called left wing or liberal position (unless you are FOX news god or allah bless them)

1 comment:

Dr Maroon said...

Knuckle down to it.
On the floor and give me twenty.