Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Today I went into the mall and bought a few things. Having done this I went for a coffee.
As I was drinking it I noticed a young lady opposite me and after thinking about it recognised her.
Now I have not seen this person for about 5 years and did not know her that well.
Now in the past I would have said hello but I have learned that although I pay attention and remember things other people do not which means the other person does not who the hell they are talking to, making for a strange conversation.
This time however the lady herself said hello and we had a small but interesting conversation about our respective lives.

Now all this brings me to various incidents that have occurred to me over the years and the reason why I always let the other person begin the conversation. I have over time had many conversations with people who claim to have met me. I have no recollection of them at all. Now why is this so odd? Because they talk to me as if they really know me not in a casual manner like the described incident above but say they really know me.

This to say is very odd as these people recollect things I have never done and doing things with people I have never met.
Now after explaining I have never met them. Which on one occasion the person though was impossible. I asked when they saw him/me last and always it has been a period of time of about a year or so etc.

So I have a doppelganger


the anti-barney said...

So now we have two nice Charlies or too nice charlie(s)

Dr Maroon said...

An array of campfires in the wilderness? We can do better than that surely! We could make a bonfire! We could set the brush alight! A conflagration! With us all dancing naked and singing songs and drinking and whatnot....

Sorry, I've taken that too far.

Kim Ayres said...

I get that all the time, but then short fat beardy blokes are a common enough type

the anti-barney said...

I liked the idea of all the campfires in the wilderness