Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Bloggers block

I have to admit of recent my blog has been faltering I seem to lack focus at the moment being preoccupied with other things.
And when I come to sit down and write something nothing pops into my head, no witticisms, no political point’s, no observation on the human condition. I am to say the least a little blank in my head. So I have decided to write about the fact that i cannot seem to write anything of interest at the moment. This means i am already running out of things to write down.

Jimmy Carr had a good joke about writing a book about asking your woman if she liked anal sex it was entitled. What if she takes it the wrong way?

I feel I must somehow upgrade, or up my blogging game. But I do not know how, and have no idea what I mean by upping my game.

This is turning into a series of statements.

I think my current lack of blogging subjects is due to me not reading enough. Usually I read something that pisses me off, and then I write about it, but at the moment nothing perhaps Xmas cheer has infiltrated my brain rendering it fuzzy, and unable to think bad and pissed of thoughts. They say in paradise there would be no writers as with no injustice intolerance or war there would be nothing to really write about. I know the world is a steaming pile of poo at the moment but this Xmas brain fuzz is distorting everything. More human rights violations in countries I have never been to? Come on then despots show some Xmas spirit- oh your Muslim? My bad ho ho ho.
Maybe when they electrocute somebody who has been renditioned they can use Xmas lights instead ho ho ho!
I think my dissatisfaction is returning my glee at bush's and Blair’s failures gaining strength the Xmas fuzz is lifting!

Yes I maybe busy and full of kindness to my fellow man but some of those men are going to get my special Xmas boot up their ass!

Ho! Fucking ho!

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