Thursday, December 15, 2005

Endless wars

I read 1984 again. Each time I do it sends a shiver down my Spine.
We have the ministry of truth that tells only lies. WMD e.t.c via the spin-doctors, which do things beyond what Orwell could ever have imagined in the history of propaganda and disinformation.

We have the ministry of peace that only deals with war: can anyone remember when we have not been at war with someone?
I do not.

We have the ministry of love, MI6, CIA all ready to provide more truth and special renditions for those who are uncooperative.

We do not have a ministry of plenty, or none that can be recognised as such but perhaps the G8 summits are enough. I have lots but with each day that passes a lot more people have less. And what I have does not really make me happy.

And lets not forget the cameras and observation that permeates everything. From walking on the street to being at work you are being monitored continually.
The media employ Newspeak more and more, a simplification that extends across all popular mediums.

Doubleplus ungood

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